Monday, April 29, 2024

Here's the Plan, InshAllah . . .

 Good Morning to Allah' F U! Did those of you who say your prayers, say them this morning. If it's a morning for you. Ifyou're mourning the loss of innocence. Like all of those little babies & their mothers in Gaza (people like you & me), i'm here to help Allah' F U, but you've gotta' desire it bad enough~!!!!!!

So here's the plan (notice, no trigger warning) my master of the past 40 years has left the bldg. This entity is on the road to happiness. At least it's always been for me. You see, the entity will be taking care of our little angel. This is the day we usually do it, but i'm not that entity's slave any more!!! At this very moment, i am a slave of Allah's only, in the service of Allah' F U. Whether or not you like it.

Therefore, this mastermind, who devises his plans on the fly, isn't flying anywhere today. But i'm already high. C'est la vie, get over it. Evidently i'm not what anyone expected. Live with it, until you die (or me, whichever cums 1st). Yeah, i'm the profane &  the profound, all rolled up in 1, & i'm in this joint again!

Virtually speaking of course!!! What the hell is up with that reincarnation crowd? i certainly haven't been here before. i am a unique entity, but in reality i'm just like Allah' F U. You may not agree today, but, God Willing, you may believe in the future.

As for me, i really don't care about the future. It's already here.

Except what you read, that's in the past. Wouldn't you agree? InshaAllah, if you do - we are already on the road to recovery. i mean better communication. Anyway, the plan . . . 

Since i'm no longer a slave to that 1 entity i've spent most of my existence with, i've got some free time on my hands, & i will head off to Tampa to speak to the fools at Scientology. God Willing, i won't get thrown in Jail (i don't think those guys crucify people, but they do have a reputation to uphold).

Afterwards, if there is still time (in the world? LOL) i hope to visit a media outlet or 2. God Willing. If Allah' F U think it's a good idea. Wish me luck too. Not that i believe in that sort of thing. i know all is going as God has planned it, i just don't no what's gonna' happen next. i'll let Allah' F U try to figure that 1 out.

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