Sunday, April 28, 2024

(ٱلْحَمْدُ لِلَّٰهِ رَبِّ ٱلْعَالَمِينَ)

 Here we go again:

TRIGGER WARNING: i'm not typing all that crap again. Go back to the last post & read it if you need it!

my original thought for a title for this 1 was going to be . . .


(damn, i wanted to make that so fucking big you'd understand how important it is, but this is the best the app will let me. At least as far as i can tell. Allah' F U may have many suggestions how i could do this shit better than i am. Fuck Off, this my fun way to spend my time - Allah' F U can find something constructive to do, as we share this fucking world. Mind you, i find the world in perfect order, & try to live my life within that order also. Kinda' like the Tao, i just go with the fuckin' flow. if i get to fuck off a bit, don't have a fucking shit fit. i'm not costing you any time or money. Do you fucking understand what i'm tryin' to tell you?)

Now, what i actually typed in the title spot was this:
I'm B-a-a-a-a-c-k! which i thought was pretty fucking funny. i mean, most of the major religions have some sort of Messiah character who is supposed to show up for the end of the game. TaDa, That's Fucking ME! Sorry to boast. Honestly though, if it was you - what the FUCK would Allah' F U do?
i'm waiting?

that text has now left the screen. but in reality it's still somewhere. Is it? or am i mistaken? This enquiring mind would like to no?

Which leads me to the 1st Religion i've gone a bone to pick with. Christian-fuckin'-insanity. Have you heard of it? Crazy shit that is. They've got Uranus as the father, atop some guy they call the son (but if you look at all the metaphors, allusions, allegory, that kind of shit - you'd think it was the everlasting Sun shining down on Allah' F U (me 2)). And that fucking ghost.

What the hell is up with that? i mean, it could mean the Divine Reality, but the way those white folk use it, there's no way to imagine it. And yet they still have their #YeaHWaY attitude. Fuck them! (damn, i almost forgot how easy it is to add a link to the text. i'm sorry for the ads they add, but the song remains the same. unless you've heard a different version than the ones i link to. anyway, i did this years ago, when the project went from America (Libertarian party run for office) to Islam (what some may call the 'religion' of Peace).
i just call it God's plan to live in harmony with what Allah Created,
For Allah'f US to get along.
In the US, they don't have a clue in what to do at this very moment.
That's because they didn't know in reality what the truth is,
when they wrote that fuckin' constitution of theirs.
All they new was the old fucking order was working for them anymore.
They proceeded to write some to fucking orders, for Allah' F U to fucking follow.
When i desire, i follow, when i don't i don't. Since i desire little in this life, i get to do whatever the fuck i desire!!! Allah' F U should fuckin' try it out, but FIRST you MUST KNOW WHAT THE FUCK THE TRUTH IS!!!!!!

In reality it's not that hard, but you've got to think it through. if all you do is believe what you see & here, you will never get there. Never forget though, Allah' F U (me 2) will eventually get to where we are going. It's fucking inevitable. Get over it already. If you're wondering what happens when you're gone, just fugget 'bout it already. You won't care what happens here, you'll be too fuckin' busy with were you're goin' next. OR NOT. i'm not the Fucking GOD!!!!

i can tell you about this reality, i can relate to you how others define it. God Willing Allah' F U (me 2) will learn how to agree with each other, and come together for the peace of humanity. If not, so what. i'll be dead soon enough. FUCK! that last little bug i put in Allah'f your ears (me 2) ran chills down my spine, and brought a tear to my fuckin' eye(s) [not sure if both, just a little teary eyed as they say]

So anyway, as i was saying, i'm not lookin' for any fucking followers! There are too many fucking religions out there. 
But, i will tell you that i am absolutely here to represent Islam. In reality i am the embodiment of that shit! or what it REALLY fuckin means. God Willing you'll understand what that means and we can get on with the fucking show!!!

i'm not even going to bother with the rest of you sheeple. there are those with that  #YeaHWaY attitude, those who don't have it, and whatever the fuck is in between. i LOVE each and every 1 of Allah' F U, just not the crap you believe in. Sorry!!! C'est la vie, and then you die. Get the fuck over it, already!!!!!!!(Allah' F U who have clicked the links, can Allah' F U or even 1 of you, tell me what you think? i'm merely asking you to tell me something. i'm not telling you to ask me anything - because i'm not the FUCKING ANSWER!!!

in reality, i'm like a Zen Master, or some idiot who doesn't no what's goin' on. If you no the Truth my friends, in reality there's no Fucking difference!
My Zen master kept me on my toes as we tangled over the meaning of words. In reality that's how we learn to agree on the meaning of the Word.
Do you fuckin' understand me yet?

i don't think or believe i need to go any fucking further than this. But in my mind, i'm quite inclined to believe Allah' F U haven't got it the fucking yet! Some of you may have. But i'm moving on for the moment.

this has been fucking fun for me, i don't give a shit if it was fun for you. But in reality i Love you still!

With Allah'f my Lovin',
For Allah' F U,
Now & Forever Always,
Jesus fucking Christ,
(virtually speaking of course)
New & Improved for the Digital Age. Get the fuck over it already!!! (yeah i know i'm not what Allah' F U (me 2) were expecting. But evidently it's what the fucking doctor ordered!) Damn, those fuckin' links can get to you. If you no what i mean (and i'm not tryin' to be mean).
i'm still listening to the song. i'lll stop when it's over. let me be your love ,we can kiss and love on that rug your daddy ..... that was the bet part like we had a head start you lovin' me and me lovin you.
Fuck i'm laughing and crying at the same fucking time? what about you? or am i just messin; with my mind?

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